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Gambling Addiction Guide & 8+ Helpful Tips to Stop

Psychiatry experts describe addiction as a brain disorder that involves repeating certain actions despite negative consequences on health and well-being. The statistics aren’t encouraging as it indicates that gambling addiction is among the most common addiction forms these days.

The reason behind it is a large number of land-based gaming facilities throughout the world. Additionally, you have numerous online gambling websites offering lottery, betting, and casino games. Although these games can be a fun way to spend leisure time, it is essential to be careful. Here is what you need to know about gambling addiction and how to stop it!

☎️ If you feel like you are starting to get addicted to gambling, we recommend contacting the services in your city or country listed at the bottom of this article.

An Increase in Gambling Addiction Caused by COVID-19

The pandemic increased the number of gambling and gaming addictions throughout the world. According to experts, the lockdown brings a higher risk of developing a pathological attachment to certain activities, such as gambling.

The major factors for increased risk include social isolation, looking for activities to relax, increased stress levels, and potential monetary concerns. People spend more time at home during a lockdown, and many are alone in isolation for weeks. During that time, they could get “hooked” to online gambling and develop addiction quickly.

What Is a Gambling Addiction?

Gambling addiction is a mental disorder where you cannot control your behavior and stop gambling even when you aware that it affects your health and wellness negatively. Just like a person addicted to substances cannot stop using them, a gambler cannot stop playing. Gambling addiction also shares similarities with impulse-control disorders like kleptomania or pyromania.

According to statistics, only the United Kingdom has around 600,000 gamblers dealing with addiction. The data indicates that more than 2% of players in the United States have a certain type of addiction to gambling. It is a growing problem that shouldn’t be taken lightly. That is why it is crucial to recognize the issue on time and take the required steps to deal with it.

What Are the Main Gambling Addiction Types?

Scientists recognize three different gambling addiction types, and not all of them manifest the same symptoms.

Here is an overview of the most common addiction types:

  • A compulsive gambler – a person who cannot stop playing or thinking about gambling. They will look for any opportunity to play, even if they are already low on finances. Compulsive players do not care about the consequences, but only about gambling. That is why we frequently call them pathologic gamblers, and it is the most severe gambling addiction form.
  • A binge gambler – a player who acts normally, but once they start gambling, they cannot stop. It might seem that they have everything under control until they start playing. Once they place the first wager or buy a lottery ticket online, they cannot stop. Binge gamblers do not have to play every day to be addicted.
  • A problem gambler – a person who doesn’t show compulsive gambling symptom, but playing still affects their quality of life. They might lie to their partners about playing, or end up losing more than expected. Problem gamblers can evaluate to binge and compulsive players.

Is Gambling Addiction a Serious Problem?

Yes, gambling addiction is a serious problem, and it is imperative to deal with it as soon as possible. It is crucial not to push addiction issues under the carpet since that could make them worse.

Gambling addiction can significantly affect the gambler’s quality of life, as well as their family, partners, and friends. That is why you should give your best to recognize the symptoms promptly, especially in the case of compulsive gambling.

It is hard to say how many gamblers have an addiction form since many of them use self-help options to deal with the problem. The experts believe that 2-3% of all players deal with some form of addiction.

How Gambling Affects Your Life

It is not an exaggeration when someone says that gambling addiction can change your entire life. Take a look at how it could affect you!

1. Mental health

The critical thing to consider is how gambling issues affect your mental health. Gamblers focus only on playing their favorite game and often forget other aspects of their lives. That means they might not be able to focus on job tasks, miss important events, etc.

Gambling addiction itself is a brain disorder, which means it affects your state of mind. In many cases, mental problems are the reason why people become addicted to gambling. It is also common that a mental health issue occurs after developing a gambling addiction.

2. Relationships

It is the people that are close to the gambler that is the most affected by their negative habit. It might start by forgetting about your partner’s birthday or missing family dinner. Things could take a turn for the worse when loans, lying and stealing to find time and money to play. Gambling issues could cost you the entire relationship with your partner, and make you distant from your family and friends.

3. Finances

Finances might be a category that takes the first hit once you enter gambling problems. Not being able to stop and not winning anything means you need to invest more money. It is only a matter of time when you will start taking cash that was supposed to be used for other things. Gamblers frequently take loans, miss payments for their home, or even sell the property to acquire funds.

What Are the Signs of a Gambling Addiction?

Do you think your friend or a family member developed a gambling addiction? Would you like to test yourself to ensure you are not addicted?

Here is the list of the most frequent signs that you developed negative gambling habits.

1. Always Thinking About Gambling

It might be your friend’s birthday, and the atmosphere is great. You might have an important work task, but you can’t concentrate because you are thinking about playing casino games. If you are trying to focus on other activities, but you can’t stop imagining visiting a gaming facility, that is among the initial signs of a gambling problem.

2. Developed Gambling Tolerance

It used to be enough to invest a couple of dollars and feel the excitement. However, you’ve discovered that you now need more money to experience the adrenaline rush. The experts explain this by the term “gambling tolerance.” The more you play, the more money you invest.

The first time you invest a big sum, everything changes. Investing small sums doesn’t do the trick anymore, and that can be dangerous for your finances.

3. No Control Over the Losses

You set a gambling budget so that it doesn’t affect your daily routine or threaten your loan repayment rate. However, once you lost the chosen sum, you realized that you want to continue playing. It all started by taking a tiny portion of the funds important to you. Before you know it, you lose the entire salary or savings. Not being able to control your losses is a sign of a gambling problem and an issue that could ruin your life.

4. Gambling Is a Way to Escape Reality

Things are not going great in your life. Your company might have fired you recently, or your partner broke up with you. Going through a rough patch in life makes gambling a fun way to escape reality. In those situations, it can be easy to develop a habit and get yourself into more problems.

5. Experiencing Withdrawal Symptoms

You spend hours a day playing your favorite games. Once you stop, it makes you feel nervous, sad, and depressed. You are anxious to return to gambling, as that is the only thing that soothes you. That is a sign you are going through withdrawal symptoms when not playing. If you compare how you feel about the feelings of a person withdrawing from substance abuse, you will find out the two are similar.

6. Lying to Others

Admitting that you have a gambling problem is hard. You have problems confessing to yourself, and you certainly don’t want others to know. However, if you are going the extra mile to hide from others that you are gambling, that might be a problem. That is especially true if you lie about being sick to miss your friend’s birthday so that you can gamble.

7. Stealing from Others

If you are ready to steal money or valuable items for others to acquire gambling founds, it might indicate that you are in a serious problem. Stealing from your friends is immoral, and stealing from others is illegal. Either way, it is crucial not to let yourself do something like this. And if it happens, it is a surefire indicator that you have gambling issues.

How to Deal with Gambling Addiction

You have several approaches when it comes to dealing with gambling addiction:

  • Self-help – after admitting that you have a problem, you can look for useful gambling guides like this one. Check out the self-help tips offered and use your will strength to deal with the problem.
  • Group support – you can look to join a group with others who have similar issues. If you don’t want to expose yourself publicly, there are anonymous and online groups where you can help each other go through overcoming the addiction.
  • Counseling and therapy – it is always wise to ask for help from a professional. Look for therapists who have experience with gambling and related mental health issues.
  • Medical treatment – you can talk to a medical professional about medications that could help you go through this rough patch. Those could be antidepressants or other drugs that your doctor recommends.

Can You Help Another Person Addicted to Gambling?

Did you notice that your friend has gambling issues? Is your partner spending hours and losing a lot of money on playing casino and other games?

The first step in helping someone is to recognize that they have a problem. The next is to understand which steps will truly help them. Covering them for hours while they head to a gaming facility won’t assist the gambler fight with their addiction. Loaning them the money is also pointless because they will probably lose it.

Start by finding the right way of telling them you think they are addicted. Don’t be judgmental, but pinpoint that you would like to help. Recommend potential ways of treatment, such as group support and counseling with a professional.

Compulsive Gambling Stages

According to experts, a compulsive gambler will go through four stages:

  • Winning – a big win is a huge danger for gamblers. Winning hefty sums make people happy and excited. They start thinking that they could win more and change their life for the better. Before you know it, games become the main preoccupation in the gambler’s mind.
  • Losing – the odds are that a gambler will lose the big win, and start losing their own money. That is when they enter the second phase, where they don’t have control over the losses.
  • Desperation – this stage might start with borrowing the money, but few gamblers mention why they need the cash. That means they are lying to their close ones. Other desperate measures could also be taken, such as selling possessions, property, etc.
  • Hopelessness – the last and the most dangerous phase. The gambler feels like they are isolated from the entire world. Suicidal thoughts might appear and become more common over time. The gambler experiences feelings of being “worn out” and lacking a will to do anything, including gambling.

What Are the Risk Factors for a Gambling Addiction?

Are some people at more risk of becoming addicted to gambling than others? The answer is yes, which is why you should take the time to understand the risk factors.

Gambling Availability

Some countries ban gambling, which means you can only play illegally. That reduces the overall number of players, as well as those addicted. But the majority of countries legalized gambling, and you can play in both online and land-based facilities. That means you can access a gaming platform around the clock, which makes it easier to get hooked.

Confidence Overload

Nobody plays a game without hoping that they will win. However, those having overconfidence issues might be at more risk for gambling addiction. They believe they will win every time, which makes it easy for them to start losing money and get addicted.


Gambling addiction is an impulse control disorder, and people who tend to act impulsively are more prone to it than others. That factor can be quite risky if it is combined with overconfidence.

Rough Life Patches

Whether you are out of work, or you lost a beloved person, you might need a way to escape reality. Some people see gambling as the way to do that, which makes rough life patches and feeling vulnerable a risk factor for addiction.

Economic Status

Did you know that people who earn a lot of money tend to act more responsible when it comes to gambling? It depends on the individual, but those with low earnings might resort to gambling to improve their economic status.

Genetics and Family Factors

Some experts claim that those who have parents with a gambling addiction are more prone to developing one. Research indicates that those coming from a family where there are records of gambling addiction, alcoholism, and substance abuse are more likely to get hooked to gambling. Also, the earlier you start playing, the more odds you have to develop an addiction.

Are Age and Gender Risk Factors for Becoming a Gambler?

People of both genders and all ages can develop a gambling addiction. However, it seems that teens and the elderly are the most vulnerable groups. Teens try gambling because they want to look cool, but they might have a hard time putting it under control. Elderly people might be having a hard time making peace with the fact they are retired or going through a divorce, which triggers gambling addiction.

As for gender, more men are addicted to gambling at this moment. However, the number of women is increasing every day.

Common Gambling Addiction Myths

If you are going to overcome or help someone deal with a gambling addiction, it is important to understand the disorder. Take a look at the most common misconceptions people have about this condition.

1. Addiction Requires Gambling Every Day

A gambler might be a fan of a particular lottery game. They might like playing in a specific casino, or they only bet on basketball. The gambling events might not occur every day for the gambler to be addicted. The crucial criteria for determining it is the frequency of wagering and sums invested.

2. It Is Not a Problem If It Doesn’t Cause Financial Issues for the Gambler

Rich people might be able to afford huge losses. However, that doesn’t mean gambling addiction can’t affect your life otherwise. You could experience mental health problems like anxiety and depression, and ruin relationships with other persons. The point is that addiction has severe consequences that could go far beyond finances.

3. Gambling Addiction Happens to Unintelligent People Who Don’t Have a Strong Will

Addiction plays with your brain, and even the smartest and strongest people are vulnerable. For example, if you are a math wizard, you might overthink and trick yourself that it is possible to design a strategy to guarantee a win.

It is crucial to note that people of all ages, genders, nationalities, social statuses, education levels, and intelligence levels can become addicted.

4. You Should Help a Gambler Get Out of Financial Problems

If you give money to a gambler, the chances are they will lose it quickly. That is no long-term solution, and it only supports their addiction. Instead of doing that, recommend them to consult a therapist or start attending group support.

How to Help Yourself If You Have a Gambling Problem

Although gambling addiction is a serious problem, you can overcome it! However, you need to be persistent and ready to invest plenty of time and effort.

Here is a list of tips that could help you in overcoming gambling problems!

1. Admit You Have a Problem

Everything starts by admitting that you have a problem. As long as you are rejecting the idea that your gambling is an issue for yourself in others, it will be hard to get better. Once you understand you have a problem, you can work on the right moves to deal with it.

2. Understand That It Will Be Hard

The second step goes hand in hand with the first one, and it involves discovering the reason why you are gambling. It might be the adrenaline rush, escape from reality, but also the desire to win and improve your finances or life overall.

The thing to understand is that it is virtually impossible to beat an addiction until you start realizing the opponent’s strength. It is important to get ready for the battle and doing whatever is necessary to put your life in control again.

3. Join a Support Group

It is always better to have people by your side than going through a tough period alone. That is why you should consider joining a support group. If staying anonymous is important, you can look for online support groups.

Apart from classic meetings, you can also join classic programs. Gamblers Anonymous implement a 12-step rehab program similar to the one when withdrawing from alcohol. These meetings occur weekly, and you discuss your progress during the recovery.

4. Visit a Therapist

If you feel like you could use extra support, there is no reason why you wouldn’t visit a therapist. Look for a professional counselor who has experience in the gambling industry.

Alternatively, your therapy doesn’t have to focus on gambling. If you feel your relationships have suffered, you can attend couples therapy. Professionals can always assist to go through a rough patch and repair relationships.

5. Are Medications a Solution?

Addiction plays with your brain and might make you anxious and depressed. It might be easier to handle the cravings with medications that would replicate the hormones producing while you are gambling.

A medical professional like a psychiatrist can analyze your current situation, and whether there is a need for medication.

6. Organize Your Schedule

The idea is simple – if you spend time doing something else, you cannot gamble. That is why it is essential to organize your schedule to the smallest detail. Apart from work, try to fill it up with as many fun and exciting activities as possible. The idea is to preoccupy your brain and stop it from thinking about gambling.

7. Handling Gambling Cravings and Potential Alternatives

Be prepared to experience gamble cravings occasionally. Once that time comes, it will take a lot of strength to push through them.

It might be wise to look for alternatives that provide a similar feeling:

  • Adrenaline and excitement – if you are a fan of extreme sports, go with rock climbing, bungee jumping, etc. You can also try Go Kart or playing football with friends.
  • Avoid isolation – head to social gatherings, join classes to learn new activities, and visit your family.
  • Steer clear of boredom – do whatever works for you, whether it is playing video games, reading books, painting, listening to music, etc.
  • Don’t forget to relax – go running or swimming, and if it is your cup of tea, don’t hesitate to try yoga and meditation.

8. How to Treat Gambling Addiction

Here is an in-depth look at how you can treat gambling addiction by visiting various professionals:

  • Rehabilitation programs and treatments – you can find many groups offering a rehab program to follow when dealing with gambling problems.
  • Consider underlying conditions – you might be dealing with anxiety, depression, and even ADHD and OCD. Consider visiting a medical professional and getting medication prescription and advice.
  • CBT therapy – it stands short for cognitive-behavioral treatment. The idea is to alter thoughts and behaviors and learn how to fight gambling cravings.
  • Counseling – you can consider going yourself or asking a family member to go with you. If necessary, visit financial experts to help in managing your problems.

Can Family Members Help a Person Who Has Gambling Problems?

If a gambler is beyond the point where they can help themselves, family members can be of assistance. Everything starts by protecting yourself, and that includes both your finances and emotions. That is especially true if you are part of the same household. You will need to keep things under control, which is why taking care of yourself is imperative.

You can consider asking for help from other family members or friends. It might be a problem to admit that someone close to you has a problem, but the more help you have, the easier you will push through the problem.

Don’t forget to set limits for money spending, and never agree to loan money to the gambler. You can consider a loan to pay their debts, but insist that you make the payment even then. Remember, gamblers might be lying about why they need money. It is important to stay strong and reject all their requests

Tips for Gamblers’ Partners

  • Try to find the right moment to talk about the problem with the gambler. You need to be calm, and you should also look for moments when they are calm, too.
  • Be polite in explaining that they have a problem, and avoid being judgmental. Explain how the entire family suffers because of their issue, and you only want to help.
  • Avoid lecturing your partner or keeping them isolated from spending time with children or visiting family events.
  • You should be in complete control over the finances. That includes going the extra mile to monitor the gambler’s bank accounts, and any move they might make.
  • You can find tips online, as well as join support groups for gamblers’ partners.
  • Don’t forget it is hard for the gambler to deal with addiction. Your support is important, so give your best to be encouraging. Try to find activities that might allow your partner to show all the positive traits they have.

Gambling Addiction Help Worldwide


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Gambling Addiction Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

I had a lapse while dealing with gambling problems. What should I do?

Lapses are normal because fighting an addiction is difficult. Talk to your mentor, support group, or a trusted person. The important thing is to keep going and ensure lapses are minimized.

My partner has a gambling addiction, and they are mentioning suicide. What should I do?

Always take any suicidal thoughts seriously. Find a national helpline for suicide prevention or consult a medical professional that specializes in that area.

I feel guilty that my partner started gambling. What should I do?

Understand that, as adults, we all take responsibility for our own actions. Gamblers might try to rationalize their bad habit by blaming other people or their surroundings. The truth is that they are the only ones to blame. Regardless, you should find a way to help them deal with the issue.

Final Thoughts

We underline once again that gambling addiction is a serious problem. That issue can affect your finances, relationships, mental health, and overall quality of life.

The critical thing is to recognize addiction, whether it is in yourself or a person close to you. From that point, you can consider the right steps to fight it. Always remember to count on your friends and family, but don’t hesitate to rely on helplines and medical professionals for additional support!

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